The peculiarity of the large surfaces combined with the special requirements of a parquet flooring in the halls were the initial trigger for fundamental considerations regarding cleaning independent of personnel resources and the associated high costs.In other words, a solution was sought for the OrangeCampus in terms of the greatest possible economic efficiency, independent of working hours at night or on public holidays, as well as the most sustainable implementation possible. In addition, the high quality standards with regard to optimal sporting conditions – in the case of basketball, first and foremost consistent and reliable adhesion conditions – played a major role.Together with ADLATUS Robotics, an appropriate solution was implemented for the first time in this form in conjunction with the OrangeCampus for a sports floor. An autonomous cleaning robot, which takes over the cleaning of the halls independently and in the long term, will considerably simplify management processes and make them more efficient.
Fundamental increase in the efficiency of all human resources, as corresponding personnel are not permanently tied down. In addition, the cleaning frequency can be increased flexibly while costs remain the same. Also, the dual-use concept of the robot, which also permits manual cleaning, also speaks for the use of the device at the OrangeCampus. Particularly during the transition phase from manual to semi-manual to fully automated cleaning in various areas of the OrangeCampus, this concept supports the entire process in an ideal way.